2016, Lua + Roblox

Originally created to be used in a game, this was an attempt at generating organic dystopian mega buildings.

Because the goal was for it to be used as a game environment the buildings were by necessity fully traversable, and included staircases to traverse levels.

Abstract Buildings

The building is split up into cells, each cell having 6 sides

Each cell can have a type: empty, room, patio, staircase, etc. Then based on adjacency models for walls/floors for specific sides are picked and loaded in.

the building is created floor by floor. At each floor a floor plan is laid out based on the floor below, and more importantly on the staircases below. This ensures that there will always be a stair case leading up to the floor. After that some rooms are switched to additional staircases depending on how high up the building is already, and some areas are designated as patios (the generation tries to avoid putting rooms directly above a patio). The final step is to go back and figure out where support structures should be generated - to make it look more believable. 

In the end I didn’t end up using this project for any games, but it’s still fun to generate buildings and explore anyway.

With some tweaking and more visual variety (as well as some interior room generation) I think this is still quite a viable way to generate interesting levels. Perhaps good for some Judge Dredd inspired crime busts? Or maybe as a drone operator delivering packages?


Ray Tracer